I know so many people struggle with their body image after being pregnant or giving birth and I totally understand. However, I’m here in this blog post today to declare how much I absolutely love my mum-tum. It’s so strange and I never for a minute thought I would feel this way. But after I had Joey and after I had Leo I have been strangely proud of my weird jelly belly. First of all, it’s amazing that it’s squishy enough that I can finally bend down and touch my toes again after however many months of not being able to see them let alone touch them. Secondly, for me it’s a badge of honour.
That little 🦘kangaroo pouch carried my babies and I will forever be grateful for that. (Let’s gloss over the irony of me calling my first baba Joey 😂) So, until the pouch is gone I’m going to appreciate it while it’s here 😆
How did you guys feel about your mum tum? Any guys reading this, how did you feel about your significant other’s mum tum?