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Gini Dunwell

The Never-ending Money Worries 💸

I do not care about money. But I’d be foolish to not consider how the recent price hike in… well… EVERYTHING is going to effect us and worry my socks off about it.

Mobile bill, heating, electric, diesel… it’s scary, especially so when I’m not working at the moment 👎🏼

The worry is really engulfing me at the moment, I’ve caught myself associating it with the little things too:

🛒I hate shopping now (even for necessities) because I find myself swithering over whether I can save a few pennies here and there.

😐When the kids are bored but I can’t even consider taking them out somewhere that costs money because there is 5 of them and even cheap days out are not cheap at all!

🥶I grew up in a cold house and I swore I’d never be cold again… Well, fast forward to now and guess what…? I’m that person telling everyone to put on more clothes before I consider putting the heating on.

🚙I love driving, always have and always will. But having to be so conscious of fuel consumption that I have stopped going out on little fun drives like I used to LOVE doing.

🙅🏻‍♀️I never do anything by halves and I feel I’m half ass-ing everything just now to cut costs.

It’s affecting almost everything I do and don’t do at the moment and it’s so exhausting 😴

I know I’m not alone, heck I’m in the majority I would say. However, that knowledge doesn’t make it any easier to deal with. But one thing we can do is be there for each other, so if you are worried about anything and need an ear then I’m here or on Insta, drop me a message if you need a chat. 😊


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